With another spring break under my belt that amounted to little more than a tragic joke, I am now diving headlong into what remains of my first year as a college man. "Vacation" and "productivity" are two words that rarely coincide for me; AKA, I haven't really progressed much project-wise since my last log. However, I did do a sizeable amount of "fieldwork" over the break by grazing the verdant pastures of Encyclopedia Dramatica (view at your own risk), as well as a host of other websites, a few of which might be found within the links section of this page.
I am now on Steam. Huzzah! As part of my project and because I have too much time on my hands, I'm making an attempt to integrate myself into several online communities that I have become aware of through social contacts, general popularity, and my own curiosity. The fact that I can now play games as a part of my research is icing on what was already a delicious cake. For you countless readers who may be interested, my account information can be found here. While on the subject, if I'm on my computer I'm probably on MSN so if anyone has a burning, insatiable desire to contact me I can usually be reached via ilehew@hotmail.com.
My fellow ANTH522 buddy Melanie Roberts is currently running a project that is congruent with mine in a number of ways. I too can say that I cite Jane McGonigal as an inspiration for pursuing my project. As a gamer myself as well as a consumer of internet culture, I can see her ideas on gaming's unrecognized potential applying in a similar way to internet enthusiasts. I won't go into detail about it, but rest assured McGonigal possesses some fascinating ideas that should be worthy of every gamer's attention.
Contrary to my previous disposition, I'm starting to think this project might actually turn out all right...
...although Phoenix Wright seems to argue otherwise (Guess who has jury duty?)
the cake is a lie.