Here stands the novice blogger on a precipice. As this unassuming man peers into the unknown, he can only imagine the possibilities stretched out before him. Will this foray transform him into a dedicated user of a form of communication he's been hesitant to adopt? Will this blog derail into another well intentioned, but ultimately forgotten school project? Will he waste countless hours ruminating over the quality of a paragraph no one will bother to read? Will he continue to ask incessant questions and refer to himself via the third person perspective?
This blog was created to fulfill a class requirement, and as such it will likely be used as a hub for semi - anthropological musings. I've never been a huge fan of social media, but in order to better understand the environment I need to suspend my prior judgment and immerse myself in it. That's my intention anyways. In the odd chance that someone actually takes the time to read this, you are a gentleman and a scholar (with an unfathomable taste in blogs).
Isaak out...
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